Tuesday, April 6, 2010

what's black and white and awesome all over?

it's newspaper wood!
created by mieke meijer and vij5.

you can make stuff out of it...
can be cut, milled or sanded.
and still retains the ultimate awesomeness of woodgrain.

this is very cyclical stuff.

tree > wood > pulp > paper > newspaper > newspaper wood > newspaper wood treehouse

mind blown by make


  1. makes me want to become a newspaper wood carpenter...

  2. I'm in love. What an ingenious idea! I can't wait till it's actually out on the mass market.

  3. Great! The name "paper wood" is also used for a new type of material: http://www.notizbuchblog.de/2010/04/12/paper-wood-vom-holz-zum-papier-und-zuruck/ - original post here: http://www.drill-design.com/gohan/

  4. that's a really beautiful material. thanks for that christian.


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