Wednesday, March 31, 2010

jedi what?

breaking chewie!

everything old is new again

completely modern radios looking
right at home among their predecessors.
new day fittings and controls 
with olden day charm.
how lovely?

here are some of my other favorites
that can hang in mixed company.
one is new and one is a blast from the past.
both strapping.

left: roberts revival  from anthropologie
right: vintage rca from harmonie park

Monday, March 29, 2010

weekend. weekbegin.

personal maintenance may have reached an all time low over the weekend but i sure did get a lot accomplished. there were a few "oversights" along the way. for instance,  i went on a cleaning frenzy throughout the house but completely neglected my own personal disaster known as my closet. and by closet i'm referring to the guest bedroom commandeered as my boudoir. don't be misled to believe it's something fancy because of the word boudoir. the mountains of unfolded laundry on the bed rule out any semblance of sophistication. i could definitely replicate the photo above. in fact, i could easily make a chaise lounge. perhaps even a sectional. i'm ashamed to admit it's a common offense {varying magnitude} 
unless we're having company.

ok back to accomplishments. by now you can see i use that word loosely. jesse and i stopped by cafe habana, a local fave cuban restaurant. SO good. the accomplishment part {save leaving the house} is adventuring away from my usual pan con bistec {grilled hanger steak sammy} and going for the fish tacos. THEY WERE SO GOOD. rare ahi, jicama slaw, avacado, lime crema, served with saffron rice. jeez.  i had full intentions of snapping a shot but they were housed  too quickly. by the time i remembered the original plan, only small bits of saffron rice remained. sorry. BUT, i did snap a few shots of the restaurant janky iphone style.  i love the contrast of fancy chandeliers and industrial architecture. great vibes, this place. perhaps you should stop by so i will be motivated to clean up the mountains of clothes in the guest room and then i'll take you our for fish tacos?
win win, right?

Friday, March 26, 2010

rock out with your ewok out.

first. this picture makes me laugh every time i look at it.

second. has an amazing soundboard to play with.
you can mix the soundbites to create your own little thing.
there are a ton. the jawas are especially musical in their language.
tip: use your keyboard to do an impromptu mix session

tiny funeral.

i like mice, but this is pretty cool.
any experts in iconography mice should be safe though.

coffin trap. from atypyk.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

the middle of a massive attack.

just watch...
it's like a gucci army frozen in time.


i've had a case of the ills.
but the doctor gave me a magical dose
{ok, fine it was just a z-pack}
that is supposed to get me back to me old self.
and i'm quite looking forward
to having more energy.
plenty of which will be focused on 
getting my vintage stash shot and posted.
i had a major enamelware score a while back.
i've since listed and sold all the teapots
{save one that i'm having a hard time parting with}
but bowls and trays have yet to grace the shop.
some considered rare. some just considered faves.
and i have a pile of acrylic servers 
{never used, still in the original boxes}
GREAT for wedding gifts and receptions alike.
i digress.
i really just wanted to say hi.
and see what you're up to.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

math is nice.

found functions from photographer/mathematician nikki graziano.
nature ✓
math ✓
graphs ✓
winner ✓

i'm guessing these would make nice prints.

charted at today and tomorrow.

conversation with authority.

a wonderful sequence courtesy of mobstr

tagged at rebelart

i'm here too.

take 30 minutes of your morning
and watch spike jonze's new film

it's a robot love story.
and it's awesome. i loved the rats.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

fragile heart.

a glass blown heart by eva milinkovic.
it's probably stronger than most people's real hearts...
them being so prone to breaking...

ventricled by substudio.

my place {in the kitchen}

don't know about you but spring cleaning has spun me into an organizing frenzy.

i'd say 80% of my storage spaces have been
{or are in the good faith process of being} revamped.
and the work in progress makes me feel like a domestic success.

meanwhile, the domino effect has me all jazzed up
thinking about my "next house" wish list.
i can't stop dreaming about butcher block countertops with integrated knife storage.
i don't care if that sounds nerdy. i'm not a fan of counter top knife blocks. so there.
{we have one, i'm just not a big fan.}
another love affair i've been having is open shelving. i just love the art of display, period. i had an open shelving kitchen years back and it was pretty fantastic. i miss it. sigh.

what's on your wish list? i'm so curious...

 kitchen design by studio ina matt via remodelista.

Monday, March 22, 2010

in this moment.

installation by bigert&bergström
they're spherical images illuminated from the inside.
each little universe self-contained.
in fact, it's called mikrokosmos.

when i first saw them, i immediately thought they were chrome christmas ornaments. the kind that reflect enraptured faces and rose-colored memories. and for a minute i was really happy. nevermind the fact that this would be a physical and logical impossibility. it transported me, and that is rare. thank you bigert& bergström, for that perfect moment.

on the road again.

when it all burns down, we're still gonna need a place to sleep.
the KEG apartment concepts from antonas should do the trick.
mobile and tough, could've used one of these on the road.

these aren't just half thoughts either.
check out antonas' flickr to see the depth of his work.

sheltered at jalopnik.

Friday, March 19, 2010

tea will kill you.

the skull gallery.
with morbidly beautiful skulls.
made of teabags and twine.
from jim skull.
of course.

i want a rainbow sequence across an entire wall.

high-flying tweets.

if you use twitter, you need to start following soichi noguchi.
he's an astronaut on the international space station.
and he tweets amazing pictures of the earth.
what are you waiting for?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

rainbow connection.

it's time to throw out that old black hole
and get a new color one.

this is a map of how the colors change with the seasons
in flickr photos of the boston common... it's science.
pretty amazing, and beautifully charted.
the creators: fernando viégas & martin wattenberg call it flickr flow

sucked in at gizmodo.

leprechaun magic.

i know i'm a day late...
but something that looks this good
is a holiday all on its own.

sorry for spoiling your appetite.

recipe is from chef shane philip coffey :alias restaurant, nyc
tempting pictures are from sprinkle bakes

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

magnetic weapons.

i'm really digging this blockless knife block.
especially if you've got sweet blades like our shuns.
they're worth showing off. and handy for when murderers break in.

gleamed at gizmodo.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

you've got the curves.

it's like a concrete and neon sandwich.
that i want to devour.

actually it looks extremely comfortable.
plus it's sciency.
designed by cho hyung suk.

graphed by dezeen.

the rare persian bear.

hunted nearly to extinction,
the persian bear was prized for its intricate coat.

actually it's just a brilliant concept.
courtesy of lise lefebvre.

tito tuesday

wait! come back! 
it's not what you think. 
we were just talking, i swear.
look. see, not even touching. 

err wait, does kissing{with my teeth}count?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

blog it forward!

oooooh, the baton has been passed! it's our turn for a blog it forward post. what's that you ask? well, it's a stream of blogger posts about inspiration.  each blogger writes a bit about what inspires them most, links back to the post before them, and to the next blog up. it keeps going and going until all three hundred of us have posted.

special thanks to victoria from sfgirlbybay for being the mastermind of blog it forward. and for being an inspiration to all of us who are taking part. had we not been following her around the internets we wouldn't even know about this little endeavor.

what inspires us? tons.  finding new artists, designers, recipes, bargains, thrifting holes, technology, and chapstick. we're inspired by travel, books, building from scratch, films, capturing moments, and humor to name a few. but we're going to focus on timeless design for all intents and purposes of this here post.

the magical emotional connection we make with objects that stand the test of time can be most thrilling. they are tried and true. we become attached to these bits from the past and we covet them.  they turn our spaces into love stories. 

thanks to links before us:

and please check these out tomorrow:

photo credits to:
and other mysterious internet sources.

Friday, March 12, 2010

the power of grayskull.

no tricks. that's a waterfall catching the last rays of sunlight.
such a powerful glow from horsetail falls in yosemite.
totally expect he-man to come blasting out from underneath...

here's the story from photographer rob kroenert.

cascaded at today and tomorrow.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

in the void.

pretty raw stuff. very intimate.
speaking of, he did a great painting of a shirtless lincoln.
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